Fashion,Beauty, Inspiration,Learning Life Lessons.......lets join hands and influence our world! !



Not every opportunity being handed over to you is actually valid for you, please look before you leap. Quit jumping at every single meal that is being served without pausing to savour it first…it might be dog poop, you never know. The tough economy and thirst for quick success has made our youth prone to danger disguised as ‘juicy’ ways of making money. Without realizing it, our young girls have been sold as slaves and sex machines while our young men have been initiated into cult, rituals, drugs, money laundering and other fraudulent activities. It starts with the desire to get to the destination without the journey - everyone wants to be successful but no one is willing to pay the GENUINE price. And then the worst attitude sets in – greed (that crazy speed of always wanting more). Finally they all end up in the same place – pain and regrets. Please, do not be deceived by what you see on TV and social media, true success has its price; HARD WORK AND PERSEVERANCE. You’ve just gat to take those baby steps, every experience equips you with the knowledge and skills you’ll need for the next step till you eventually get there. And if they come to you on a platter of Gold, apply wisdom and ask God to show you the right direction. He will surely lead you.





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