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QBQ 38 - Let The Journey Begin...

There are two sayings that never left my mind from the moment I was introduced to school, ‘experience is the best teacher’ and ‘practice makes perfect’. It’s a pity that in today’s world, the reverse is the case. Parents are doing all the training by talking and talking and talking…the lecture never ends, at some point it gets boring to the extent that the kids begin to repeat after them. Dear moms and dads, it’s time to take a step back and let them take the lead…yes, they will make mistakes; yes, they will fail; yes, they will get hurt. But guess what, that is the fastest way they learn. A child that has been told never to place his hands on a hot plate will have a million reasons hovering around his head why he should. But as soon as he does, believe me he never goes back there again for life. Let’s stop being overly protective of our children, it may seem alright now, but it certainly boomerangs in future. And we adults are definitely not left out, you will keep finding yourself moving round in circles if you don’t brave up and try something new. Stop waiting to be talked through the process until you are a 101% certain. To know what life is worth, you have to risk it once in a while cos if you don’t, you will have to settle for the ordinary. Take every chance, drop every fear and allow the unexpected. If you succeed, you will be able to lead your children. But even if you fail, at least you would be able to guide them because you have become wiser. That is one gain that beats never trying hands down. Life is full of adventures and we’ve only got one chance, let’s make every mile worth our while. Remember, our kids are ALWAYS watching!





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